Being a Toronto based DJ/Promoter and having a passion for languages, both of my interests have lead me to the creation of this Blog to introduce and promote World Artists and DJs!
I sincerely hope to cross language barriers helping to cultivate an appreciation of dance beats from all around the world and for talented singers whose songs do not need to be understood to be enjoyed!
Yours Truly! XoXo
Desole! Lo Siento! Sumimasen! Sorry for the absence! I've been waiting for GREAT new world remixes to post and FINALLY some amazing club mixes were released so stay tuned...
For now check out the third HOT single from BOA's first album released in North America! With such COOL music videos and GREAT songs, I just don't understand why this talented singer has not become MORE popular with english-speaking audiences!!!
More Latin Diva's to come just need to dust off those old CDs! In the meantime, try downloading a remix in a language which you cannot speak, you might be pleasantly surprised!!! Que Disfruten! XoXo DJ da Vinci
Que disfruten!Algunas de estas canciones no estan nuevas pero todavia me encanta! Tambien me gustaba OV7! Recuerden? Don't be shy to send me feedback on some of YOUR favorites!
Growing up in Canada in the French Province of Quebec, I'm pretty nostalgic about the cheezy 80's pop songs I enjoyed as a kid! Even if you don't speak French, you're sure to recognize right away the 80's synthesizers and drum beats LOL Some of them actually pass the test of time while others just sounds hilarious! Check it out!
We might be a few months late to go to the Brazilian Carnaval in Rio de Janerio but nonethless its never too late to enjoy some Brazilian Beats and eye candy ; ) More to come!
Konichiwa! After this post I think you'll all be "Turning Japanese" to quote the 80's pop song! Below you'll find the best Japanese Divas & Hunks Remixed by World-Famous DJs!!! Of course, I'm saving my favorite Misia for her own MEGAPOST! Mixes in BOLD are not to be missed and worth a listen even if you don't know the Artist or Song!!!
Were getting visitors from ALL over the World; just in the last few hour we've had friends from the U.S and Canada, Bresil, Russia, France, Argentina, Ecuador, Italy, Germany, Serbia, Australia, Chile Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Japan and the Philipines!!! Though NO comments or ratings on the posts were offered and that IS the best way to share with others your musical tastes and help US all discover YOUR country so PLEASE DON'T BE SHY and let's make this an online music community! Maybe English is not your mother tongue but still PLEASE COMMENT as most of us understand basic words in most languages and there's always those online Translators to help :) If you have any special requests I can be contacted directly at mailto:djdavinciworld@gmail.comHope to hear from ALL of you soon :) xoxo Dj da Vinci!
En las horas últimas, hemos tenido visitantes de por todo el mundo; ¡de los E.E.U.U. y el Canadá, Bresil, Rusia, Francia, la Argentina, Ecuador, Italia, Serbia, Australia, Chile, Líbano, Malasia, México, Japón y las Filipinas!!! Desafortunadamente no se hizo ningun comentario o grado en la música fijada y ésa es la mejor manera de compartir con otros sus gustos musicales y de ayudarnos a descubrir su país. No sea por favor tímido aun si el inglés no es su lengua materna, comentan por favor y si usted tiene cualesquiera peticiones o preguntas especiales me pueden enviar un mensaje directamente a Espere oír de usted pronto:)
Juste dans les dernières heures, nous avons eu des visiteurs de partout dans le monde ; des États-Unis et le Canada, Bresil, la Russie, la France, l'Argentine, l'Equateur, l'Italie, la Serbie, l'Australie, le Chile, le Liban, la Malaisie, le Mexique, le Japon et les Philippines ! ! ! Malheureusement aucun commentaires ou jugements a été donner sur la musique afficher et car ceci est la meilleure manière de partager avec nous autres vos goûts musicaux et de nous aider à découvrir vos pays, veuillez ne pas être timide même si l'anglais n'est pas votre langue maternelle, veuillez S.V.P faire vos commentaire et si vous avez n'importe quelles demandes ou questions spéciales je peut être contacter directement à J'espere avoir des nouvelles de vous tous bientôt :)
The hot video above is the opening song from "Dostana", the first mainstream big budget Bollywood film to deal with homosexuality and features two of Bollywood biggest male stars pretending to a couple! A selection of great remixes from various Bollywood soundtracks and DJs can be found below, these mixes are as hot as that spicy Indian curry and are not to be missed! With their lavish productions and choreography, all the videos for the songs featured are worth a look! Should be noted that to my dismay all the gorgeous actors below pull a Britney and don't actually sing the songs : ( Dj Suketu is an amazing Indian DJ and you'll find my favorite mixes of his below! Sorry these are not HQ but still spinable I hope : )
Anggun is a gorgeous French singer of Indonesian decent and her latest album Elevation is hot and available in french and english! Her first single "Si Tu L'avoues/Crazy was a catchy dance track and this follow-up has a sexy R&B vibe and features Pras from The Fugees!
Remixed World does not claim ANY ownership of the music displayed as Songs posted here are for promotional purposes ONLY and we ask that Bloggers fully support the Artists and PURCHASE their released work. Any material will be removed if requested so please contact me directly if needed. Best Regards... XoXo Dj da Vinci